Tax return services for Expats

As a tax agency, we offer services for employees who file their income tax return for the first time after having moved to Germany.

In case you expect a refund of taxes you have to file a tax return. Please provide the following information and documents:

  1. Personal information: Your name, address, date of birth and occupation, religious denomination plus for your child/children: date(s) of birth(s) and notice of child allowance
  2. Taxpayer identification number for yourself and your child/children
  3. Name of your bank including IBAN and BIC
  4. Date (dd/mm/yy) when you moved to Germany as well as your certificate of registration
  5. Your job title or profession in Germany
  6. In case you did not work in Germany for the full year (starting January 1st), please provide information about your income in your previous country of residence (foreign income including tax return or assessment)
  7. Your payroll tax statement from your employer (Lohnsteuerbescheinigung)
  8. Lease contract for your apartment or house
  9. Statement of utility costs and incidental expenses (Nebenkostenabrechnung) for your apartment or house
  10. If you support a relative in direct line (child/ parent) in a foreign country this allowance is tax deductible. Please use the maintenance expense form which you download the official BFIN form here (PDF)*

    (Alternatively, you can download it at, then "Formularcenter" then search for "Formular-ID: 034400".)

 * Source/Quelle: Formular-Management-System (FMS) der Bundesfinanzverwaltung

 Steuerkanzlei Kemmerling   I   Neuhäuserstr. 22   I   D-86154 Augsburg   I   0821 241 93-0   I